The character of my players is priority number one. To be part of this program, players must be dedicated, responsible, and hard-working. Some of our team policies include:
- Attendance at all practices and games is mandatory. Players are responsible for being at each and every practice.
- Players who miss practice time, even for an illness, are responsible for making up all time that they miss. Time may be made up by coming early to practice, staying for another squad's practice, or offering coach help in another way (cleaning up, filing, etc).
- Should there be an illness, or another compelling reason a player cannot attend a workout or game, all players are required to contact the coach directly:
- If an absence is expected in advance, to tell the coach in person, and by email.
- If an absence is the same day, a phone call must be made (on a school day, to my classroom phone).
- Players are responsible for contacting the coach directly. The young men and women on my team are responsible for contacting the coach in matters regarding missing or being late to a practice or game.
- I do not accept messages from parents unless the player is unable to communicate due to illness or injury.
- I do not accept messages from other teammates regarding tardiness or an absence.
- Players are to behave responsibly and respectfully towards their teammates, their coach, their team captains, referees, and the opposing teams and representatives. Players understand that at every game, home and away, they represent Cal Polo. Poor or disrespectful behavior at games, home or away, may result in team suspension, and ultimately, dismissal from the program.
- Players are to be on time to practices and games.
- I do not discuss game playing time with parents. This is an issue a player should discuss with their coach. At the Varsity level, our strongest squad is put into the pool during games, regardless of grade or experience. Players do not get "automatic" playing time simply because they are seniors.